Selasa, 09 Juli 2019

Don't Ask

My dream was strange last night, "someone / something" pulled me to come to Zuckerberg, he always sat on the most balcony on top of a tall and grand and ancient building, but not just anyone could reach up there.  the road is strange, winding and miney, Zuck has "many eyes" not just humans.  his eyes were sharp, looking around, watching the movements of whatever they were, he was "engrossed in what I did not know what he was reading / holding. But a strange object that could see / read the future, I don't know.  it seems strange to me, because he reads (an antique stone?) ... I just wonder, when he wears a hoodie? I can't see his face.  But when he opened the "headgear", it was clear Zuck's face.  No stranger, and smile.  We talk but I myself do not know what language we use is not English or language like humans, but I understand in English, which is said why I did not "continue" the project that was delayed. I just said that I was no longer interested.  I don't know why answer that.  and what the project meant, I also didn't know and didn't want to know ... finished the story...***

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